Tuesday, March 2, 2010

How a sales guy lost a big deal and a good prospect for having no success stories published

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Last Sunday, I happened to visit a property show at one of the most popular stadiums. As expected, there were many stalls of builders and developers and thousands of people flocked into the expo.

As I stopped at a stall to get some details of interest to me, I noticed another visitor who was almost ready to book a villa with the builder by paying a nominal refundable amount. But, just before signing up, the visitor stopped and questioned the stall sales man “I would like to hear from your existing or old clients about your past projects, do you have reviews or success stories on the web? I’d like to see them on your Computer here.” If the sales guy had success stories on his website, he could open them instantly and have the prospect sign up. To my surprise, leave alone the success stories, all that the sales guy could do was talk about a site on land and not even a site on the web.

He missed the opportunity to clinch a deal from that prospect; I walked off without asking him any questions as I lost my trust too. So he missed another prospect as well; who knows there could be more prospects that walked away.

Have you as a sales guy, used the success stories that are published on your website? If there are no success stories, have you approached the content writers asking them to write stories of your past success with clients? If not, have them up right away. Or you too could lose out on sales and prospects!

To overcome objections, you’ve got to be pretty sharp! You’ve got to be pretty ready!
-L. J