Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Case studies -- A storyteller buyers love to listen

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Learn how to write a case study

Case study is about how someone who was in a problem got a solution from your side and is happy now. So it's an optimist approach.

Why case study is important for any business

>>>Reader can relate his situation with the one in the case study
>>>Will contact you for solution
>>>You will get businesses and your client will get the solution
>>>Will expand your business and brand building
Case Study is a story of someone (person or business) who was facing a problem, approached a company for assistance and how it helped him. So, it's a success story that companies love to write and buyers/prospects/clients look forward to read. However, while writing a case study there are few things which should be taken care of, let's read some dos and don'ts about it:


>>Introduce the client who approached your company for solution in the first paragraph
>>Next, tell about the problem the client was facing and what all he did to solve it
>>Introduce yourself by explaining how the client came to know about you
>>Tell in detail how your company helped in solving the problem
>>How the client is doing once the problem is solved


>>The reader should not think that you are bragging about your product
>>Don't talk about your product and services at the beginning of the case study
>>Don't talk little about (but elaborate) your product when you are talking about how you helped the client

Keep the tone more like how a problem was solved and the person is happy, and not that it was your product only that helped the client. That is to say talk about your product not as a sales pitch but as a story.